Copyright Nancilee Wydra, 2014. All rights reserved. This information can not be duplicated or reproduced.
Looking out at the star-filled sky,
Makes me wonder how and why,
At night when hundreds of twinkling stars,
Sparkle like lightning bugs stored in glass jars.
Without the sun I can hardly see at all,
Any rock or stick could make me fall.
The sun helps us see all around,
Even tiny pebbles on the ground.
Indoors I can play without a hitch,
By turning on lights using a switch.
And should I want to sleep at day,
I'd pull the shades down all the way.
Yet, there's more world outside then there is in,
If I had to choose, guess which time win?
Nighttime is mostly for sleep, not play,
The winner I'd pick is the time called day!